Have you ever realized once you buy something or get interested in something it suddenly seems to be everywhere? You buy or start liking a certain car and then all of the sudden every other person is driving that same model and style too. What about a conversation you shared with someone only to hear someone else mention the same subject to you later that day or within that week?
It happens all the time, whether it’s in the car we drive, the things we talk about and even in the food we eat. It seems once you bring your attention to something in your life, it starts to show up everywhere.
Yet does this really happen? Is it at the same time everyone really gets interested in the same things you are? Perhaps…just maybe…everything was right there in front of you all along.
In this big beautiful world, everything is there and if you haven’t noticed, perhaps it’s because you stopped looking. Imagine what we’re all missing by not ‘looking’. Everything you want is there right in front of you, you just need to slow down to see it. If you have an interest in something, you can find the answers. Especially if you ask the right questions. Especially if you have an open mind.
Even on your most rushed days…on the days where one day seems to blend into the next, don’t ever stop looking to the new with an open mind. No matter how much or little time you have, don’t ever stop learning. Don’t ever stop seeking answers. You’d be surprised what’s been in front of you your entire life. Don’t miss the beautiful opportunities right before your eyes.
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