Exactly what I asked myself when I saw the date from the last time I have stepped in here.
Time flies.
Well, I hope your first three and a half months of this year have been going well for you. I hope you have found your word and it's stuck by you and you stuck by it. If not, that's ok too. Sometimes against all efforts we fail to do what we set out to do. Sometimes we let our self down, while other times it only makes us work that much harder.
I told myself I would show up here more often this year, and this is only my second time in.
Now to be fair, there was some glitch with this site...again...so I had to call in to get them to fix it. Even though making that phone call was only a total of 10 minutes, it was finding those 10 minutes that I wanted to dedicate to that. Sounds silly, I know, but when I am in the middle of working on a huge project, applying to art shows, doing everything else life calls me to do, all while my two boys are saying 'mom look at this, mom I need you'..... Those 10 minutes seemed so far away. But let me tell you, once I made the call and got it done, what a big weight I felt leave me. One more thing done. Such a wonderful feeling. Which brought me to think 'I should have just done it the first day and saved myself from thinking those 'I still have to do that' thoughts'. I am sure had I called in right away, I would not even be writing about it now.
Which does bring me to a good point though... when you have those small annoying things you really just don't want to do, no matter how hard, just stop and get them done. It mentally makes a total a world of difference. In a good way.
Anyway, that was not even my point today. You know where I have been? Working very, very hard, on something wonderful. For you. Yes, you!
I am taking down my old photography website and replacing it with a beautiful, easy to use, sales ready site that will drag you in and add some peace and calmness to your mind. Yes, that is my soul intention. That is why I create what I do and man, I have to say, it really shows through my new site.
So that is where I have been and as the days pass I am getting that much closer to launching it. Just a few final touches and it will be out there!
This year I chose the word determined. I will be flat out honest, I have not thought of my word every day, or even every week, at least not in this last month. But when it came to me back in January I tucked it away in the back of my mind. I believe my mind mentally, unconsciously dug around for it all throughout my website project, which I also started in January. It set me on an unstoppable path. Man, was I determined to get my new site done.
So that brought me to here. Just wait till you see what I've created. A thanks to hard work and determination. I'll raise a glass to my little word.
And by the way, just because it is not January anymore does not mean you lost your chance. Pick a word you want to stick by and start today. Image where you will be in a month, or two or three. It's never too late, you just have to make the choice to go after it.