The Beauty of Traveling

If you really want to add value and richness to your life,  you won't find it in the 'things' you own, you'll find it in all the places you've been and continue to go.

True richness, you'll find, is wrapped up in all your wonderful life experiences.

I've had a crazy case of wanderlust for as long as I could remember. Do I love our home and the cozy comfort of 'home life'? Yes. Do I love to get in my jeep and just drive, not caring where it leads us? Absolutely! For one of the things I daydream most about is traveling and all of the amazing places I aspire to go.

So far we have been to some incredible places and in my mind the list goes on to the places I still plan to go to. Traveling does something to you. At least it did to me. It made me realize, more then anything, that I really don't 'need' a darn 'thing' in this world because when I embraced myself in the beauty of traveling, I realized all I've ever needed was all within me and always has been. An open mind to explore and an open heart to let this beautiful world in.

This world is blessed with so much beauty and we are blessed with so much opportunity to explore it. In my opinion, it would be such a waste to not create opportunities in life to work traveling in. Traveling has changed my views on so many things. Personally, it has made me feel more deeply connected to myself, the earth and to life in general. It has made me realize even more so how grateful I need to be for everything I do have in my life. Traveling has also made me realize the glory of living a simple, uncluttered life leading to a clearer mind and more peaceful days.

Traveling can open up your world to knowledge and can be the best way to educate yourself and your children. It can make you see beauty in things you otherwise wouldn't have. It can make you realize what life is really about. It's not about the things you've acquired throughout the years. It's not about how much or little money you have in the bank. Traveling is about the here and now. It's about what this earth is offering us and the art of us taking it all in. It's about living in the moment without a schedule or exact destination. Traveling is about the power of freedom. It's about the stories you will tell and the people you will meet. It's about adding value and beauty to your life. Traveling is about creating memories. Beautiful memories that will stay with you until the end. Traveling is about the experiences you gain that inevitability add up to become your life.

I can't speak highly enough about the beauty of traveling. The only way you'll really understand is to make it a point to get out there and see for yourself!

    See where this world can lead you.

Live a life you'll embrace looking back on.