Dried Flower

Do You Have Your Word?

Here we are, another year wrapping up. We've had so much going on at the end of summer and all of fall that suddenly November was here and gone and December seemed to pass me by even quicker. The holidays were good, as I hope yours were too. Yet now that is it all over, with just New Years ahead, this is the time I hear many New Year's resolutions getting dreamed up. Unfortunately, many of those resolutions seem to be forgotten about weeks or months coming into the new year.

Setting goals is very important and can be very inspiring, but depending the size of the goal, it can be overwhelming to think of it as a whole. Perhaps that is why many resolutions fade fast away.

Personally, I have found when I choose a word to stick by, a word I carry with me throughout the year, it will bring me back to what I set out for. I keep my overall goal in mind, but it is my chosen word that is a constant reminder to do something, no matter how big or small, toward my overall goal. It's amazing how by the end of the year all the small little things that get done add up to quite a bit.

Your word can be a deep meaningful word to you, it can be one that just comes to you, or it can be one you search out, perhaps purposely aligning with your goal. For the last few years I've done this, my word seems to just come to me. Although it might not always align with my goal, it seems to just drop into my mind and not leave, yet it will just feel right, so I have a go with it.  Although this year my word not only dropped into my mind, perhaps because I put that thought out there, but it also aligns with my main goal as well.

This year I chose 'Determined'.

I am about to embark on a new design for my photography site and I am also getting into some beautiful still life photography, unlike any of my other work. With that being said, both are quite a bit to take on, especially with raising and homeschooling two boys and still holding tight to my original photography style. Yet I am 'Determined' to make it all work and 'Determined' to get something new and fresh out there that will not only be wonderful for my viewers, but to help me out in many ways as well.

So that is my chosen word and I think it will be a wonderful, constant reminder. I am very self driven, yet holding tight to my little word is almost like a little side-kick. Like an accountability partner, always there...reminding me.

So, see if this can help you. See if a word can come to you that will be almost like a little side-kick to you to either help you slow down, or tackle a big project, or get healthier, or start learning something that you set out for. It might sound silly to some but I guess you never know how something can work for you unless you actually try it. 

Wishing you and your little chosen word all the best for the New Year to come!

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